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How to Cook BBQ Ribs in an Air Fryer

  • How-To

BBQ ribs done right melt in your mouth, fall right off the bone and taste fantastic. 

While the exclusive taste of perfectly cooked BBQ ribs used to be reserved for the grill, you can also use an air fryer. You can even cook some southern-focused meals like southern-style ribs, which have thicker cuts of pork shoulder meat. 

Additionally, the air fryer does not limit the type of ribs you can cook. Feel free to enjoy juicy BBQ beef ribs, flanken-style ribs, and even meatier cuts like lamb riblets.

Read on to learn more about how to cook BBQ ribs in an air fryer below.

Preparing the Ribs

Before we get into cooking the ribs in an air fryer you need to focus on preparation. We’ll take you through the best ribs to choose from, how to cut them, and more.

Selecting the Best Ribs

There are many rib types to choose from and some are better in air fryers than others. Typically, the types of ribs you can choose from are:

  • St. Louis-style 
  • Spare ribs 
  • Country-style ribs 
  • Short ribs 
  • Riblets (lamb)
  • Baby back ribs
  • Flanken ribs
  • Some shoulder cuts (pork and beef)

While there are many types to choose from, we recommend starting with baby back ribs or spare ribs because they’re the easiest to cook in an air fryer. However, people with more BBQ experience can pull off country-style ribs in an air fryer too.

Cutting Your Ribs

If you’re cooking ribs in an air fryer oven, you need to cut the meat. Unlike a BBQ, air fryers have limited space. For this reason, you have to cut your rack of ribs into smaller pieces.

You don’t need to cut the ribs into into individual ribs. You just need to make sure you cut them down so they fit into your air fryer basket.

If you’re using an air fryer it’s also a good idea to remove the thin membrane from the back of the ribs like baby back ribs. To cut the ribs, measure the space in your air fryer and make cuts accordingly. To avoid problems, only cut through the meat and don’t attempt to cut through the bone.

Below is an example of how to cut St. Louis-style ribs:

  1. Locate the soft spot of the ribs.
  2. Make a perpendicular cut that slices away from the bone.
  3. Cut through each soft spot that’s connected to the breast bone.
  4. Make sure the ribs fit in the air fryer.
  5. Make adjustments if needed.

You can follow these steps for most types of ribs.

Seasoning Your Ribs

The last part of preparation is seasoning. When it comes to seasoning your ribs you’ll need some basic seasonings or BBQ sauce. The seasoning you choose depends on how you want to cook the ribs.

While seasoning depends on how you want to cook the ribs, we can provide you with some basic tips. For dry rubs, incorporate liquid smoke and olive oil. You can mix these liquids with seasonings like peppers and powders to create a spread. A spice rub is also a delicious option and you can find an easy recipe anywhere online.

For BBQ sauce seasonings, always go with your favorite sauce and marinate the ribs before cooking them for the best results. You can also add more BBQ sauce once the ribs are cooked.

If you’re feeling it, you can experiment with dry rub and BBQ sauce combinations.

Settings for an Air Fryer

Understanding the settings for an air fryer will help you cook the best BBQ ribs. Aside from aluminum foil and spice rubs, cooking juicy ribs can come down to temperature and timing.


Air fryers have a handful of temperature settings. That said, the temperature you use needs to be based on the cut of meat. If you’re cooking thick cuts like spare ribs, cooking the ribs for longer periods at lower temperatures (300 degrees F) is better. You can also increase the temperature up to 400F or 450F to char the meat after it’s cooked.

Alternatively, cooking thin cuts of ribs like Korean short ribs or flanken ribs can be done at higher temperatures. For example, you can cook air fryer country style ribs at around 400F for less than 20 minutes. Still, make sure you flip your ribs halfway through for the best results and to ensure you end up with tender ribs.


Each type of rib has a different cooking time. Fatter cuts of meat like spare ribs can be cooked for longer periods (30+ minutes) because the fat prevents the meat from drying out. Short ribs should also be cooked at lower temperatures for longer periods.

That said, rib types like baby back ribs are on the leaner side. With leaner ribs, cooking them for shorter periods (less than 20 minutes) will prevent them from drying out.

Simple Recipes

When making ribs in an air fryer the emphasis needs to be on simplicity. The simpler the rib recipe, the better it will come out in an air fryer. We also recommend opting for fatty cuts of meat like spare ribs because the fat will add flavor. 

Rib Rub 

A rib rub is a dry rub recipe that doesn’t use BBQ sauce to add flavor to ribs. Instead, rib rubs use a combination of spices like black pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, and salt. You’ll also find some dry rubs with brown sugar, which adds a bit of sweetness to the ribs.

To make a homemade dry rub in an air fryer, you’ll need a few things. First, gather your ingredients. With a dry rub, you can choose any dry seasoning. However, some great ingredients to start with are olive oil, kosher salt, black pepper, chili powder, cayenne pepper, and onion powder.

Once you have your preferred ingredients, mix them in a small mixing bowl. You can also add liquid smoke to your spices to make them taste like the ribs are fresh off the grill. From there, spread the dry rub on the ribs and set the air fryer to 400F.

Let the ribs cook for about 20 minutes and use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature. This will help you cook the ribs to your desired tenderness.

Seasoned ribs are a great way to bring out and enhance the natural flavor of the ribs

BBQ Sauce 

Another way to cook ribs in an air fryer is with barbecue sauce. For air fryer BBQ ribs, you need a few seasonings and your preferred BBQ sauce. When cooking ribs with barbecue sauce in an air fryer, we recommend using baby back ribs.

To cook barbecue sauce ribs, set the air fryer to 300F. Then, cut the ribs into smaller segments to fit them in the air fryer. As an optional step, you can remove the membrane from the back and add seasonings (like salt, pepper, and onion powder).

Once your baby back ribs are ready, it’s time to air fry them. Place them in the air fryer for about 30 minutes. We recommend flipping them halfway through. Once the ribs are cooked, remove them from the air fryer.

Next, it’s time to add the barbecue sauce. Spread your favorite BBQ sauce across the surface of the ribs. Then, place the ribs back in the air fryer and cook them at 450F to sear the sauce into the meat.

After taking the ribs out of the air fryer for the second time let them rest for a moment. Inspect the meat and determine if you want to brush additional BBQ sauce on the ribs.

Close the Door and Enjoy!

Once your ribs are in the air fryer, simply close the door and enjoy the process. You’ll never have to wait until the summer again to BBQ your favorite ribs. With an air fryer, you can even spend some time honing your skills to impress your friends and family when it’s time to use the BBQ again!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I store and reheat leftover ribs?

Leftover ribs should be stored in an airtight container in the fridge.

When reheating in a microwave, place a moist paper towel on top of the ribs or put a small cup or bowl of water to the side of the plate to ensure the ribs stay moist.

What are some great side dishes I can serve with my juicy air fryer ribs?

Some common favorite sides to serve with ribs are:

  • Potato Salad
  • French Fries
  • Mashed Potatoes
  • Corn on the Cob
  • Cornbread
  • Garlic Bread
  • Roasted Asparagus

How easy is it to cook ribs in an air fryer when it’s your first time?

Cooking ribs in an air fryer is just as easy, if not easier, than grilling them. After your first attempt, you might find that they’re your new favorite way of cooking ribs.